
Friday 13 December 2013

Green Mama: Reusable Breast Pads

When I was pregnant, I thought a lot about my breasts leaking once I was breastfeeding. I bought a few kinds of reuseable breast pads to try out and honestly, after a few weeks I wasn't using them anymore. It did take me past the 6 week mark for my body to make the right amount of milk (I was an over-producer), and as such, leaky breasts were part of my life. At night the engorgement was so bad that I couldn't use reuseable pads or else I would have sopping wet cloth next to my skin. For a while I had to use disposable pads. Then, as my supply started to regulate itself, I switched to just using a breast pad when I was nursing to account for the let down.

Now I have a bunch of pads, some round, some heart shaped (I don't know why), around my house that I find in weird places. They do make good coasters though.

One thing I learned is that I hate the kind with the really soft fuzzy lining. That shit sticks to my nipples once they get wet! Ouch.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Product Review: AppleCheeks Diapers

Update: my daughter is now 3 months and about 17 pounds. We switched to size 2 diapers a few weeks ago after experiencing leaks with size 1 as a rise issue and there have been no leaks since.

I tried a handful of diaper combos out and my favourite for this girl has definitely been AppleCheeks. They don't leak and come clean when I wash them. I use the 2 ply bamboo inserts along with the purple stay-dry bamboo booster. I use Nature Clean All Purpose Cleaning Lotion to wash them in. I do a cold rinse, followed by a hot wash with a tiny bit of soap, followed by another cold rinse.

I actually only have 4 covers right now and probably around 12 inserts. This works out perfectly because I wash every other day (this is just when my small washer happens to have the right amount of diapers in it). So I use only about 2 covers every day and change the inserts. I do not use cloth at night because 7th Generation disposables just work better for us than having the hassle of changing baby in the middle of the night.

My daughter has never had a diaper rash (knock on wood) and we've never used any creams or powders on her. I love using cloth diapers, but as I like to travel light, I don't use them when I'm out and about. I just let her wear the cloth diaper she has on and bring disposables for if she needs a change.

I am absolutely loving the fact that AppleCheeks has been doing all of this work releasing special edition diapers and new colours. It adds an element of fun and fashion, not just butt covers.

 As a side note, if you buy these at Baby On The Hip in Leslieville with your Toronto Live Green card, you get 10% off and these diapers don't seem to go on sale. For convenience (but higher prices), is also carrying them now.